Julie Ha

Hi there! I'm Julie, a Ph.D. student at Boston University, advised by Mayank Varia. My interests are in applied cryptography, and the intersection of law and computer science.  

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email: lastnamefirstname at bu.edu


ACNS 2021

 Y. Gvili, J.Ha, S.Scheffler, M.Varia, Z.Yang, and X.Zhang. TurboIKOS: Improved Non-interactive Zero Knowledge and Post-Quantum Signatures. In International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) 2021. [paper link] 


Private Eyes: Zero-Leakage Iris Searchable Encryption. Julie Ha, Chloe Cachet, Luke Demarest, Sohaib Ahmad, & Benjamin Fuller. [paper link]


I'm organizing Boston University's Security Seminar with Ryan Little. If you'd be interested in speaking, please reach out!